Take Over
Pray that the people of God all over the world will be prepared and ready to take over.
Where are the people with the ability to take over?
Many people are doing so many unnecessary things but the hour has come when they should do what Mary did. “One thing is needful and Mary has chosen that part“. (Luke 10:38-42)
What is needful in all you are doing?
Consider on thing that is needful and do it.
Many believers are doing so many irrelevant things.
This is a time of concentration and conceptualization.
Identify this “one thing that is needful”.
Filter your activities.
Know the ones that are more important and give attention to them.
Run with a clear vision of the things that are urgent.
I just read this and certainly the Father is beckoning us to follow HIM. he wants to change, transform us and the nations we lead.
WW Caribbean/ Venezuela continue to be the best and be sensitive to the still small voice of the Lord. 1 Kings 19*11-13. thanks
for being the messenger of God.