Hidden Treasures in Africa
(Study Genesis 2:7-15, Isaiah 45:3-8)
I am releasing hidden treasures.
Africa needs help.
Break the “African Mentality”
The backwardness of Africa is in her mentality.
Africans are bound by culture and tradition.
Let that mentality be broken, then they will be on top of the world.
Break the African Mentality.
Inculcate the virtues I have given Africans which other people lack.
Let the bring a balance to the REDEMPTIVE GIFTS I have deposited in them.
Africans should not feel inferior before their counterparts.
They should deal with that inferiority complex.
It is not the color of the skin that defines a man. It is the content of his character and how well he develops the potentials within him.
Africa should work in accordance with time.
Let there be a change of attitude.
Their attitude will determine their altitude.
Africans should keep to time.
Let them deal with the SLAVERY MENTALITY that hinders their progress.